First, a little setup. We need to create a test stored procedure that we will be looking for in the procedure cache.
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.objects
After we’ve created the stored procedure, execute it a couple times so that SQL Server will cache it. Once it is there, we can start querying various execution related DMV’s that will eventually show us the execution plan.
EXEC KevinsTestProc
GOSince there can be an enormous amount of plans in the procedure cache, the first thing we need to help narrow down the search is some text that is unique to that procedure, like the procedure name. By querying the sys.dm_exec_cached_plans DMV and using the sys.dm_exec_sql_text DMF we can get the plan handle will be used to extract the exection plan.
cacheobjtype, objtype,
size_in_bytes, text, query_plan
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle)
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(plan_handle)
WHERE usecounts > 1
AND text LIKE '%KevinsTestProc%'
AND objtype = 'Proc'
ORDER BY usecounts DESC;
We can see from here
that we have the plan handle, how many
times this store procedure has been executed, how large the plan is, the text
inside the cached plan, and an XML representation of the Execution Plan
generated at compile time.